Very cool that stuff is so good for the young ladies. They don't get enough outside real life their Emoji World. I just made that up Emoji World it's probably already a thing. Keep healing, it's been 3 years on June 30th since the loss of my last child. Time does help, I see the way he acted in Connon mcgregor a lot. I put him through some martial arts training and taught him some others myself. He felt like he had to keep the world online, like the usa does. More importantly he saved people's life's, as have I and all my brothers. He was I mean is a good man as Josh is. Josh had pretty much mastered this world my son was just starting to figure it out. God does what he will, I know he knows what he's doing everything has a reason. One day when we have a full knoledge, we will understand and im sure agree. I have that strong of faith even with my own life, it's all in God's hands and I'll do and g o where he wants Me to. Happy 4 for you and the kids. Anytime your son wants to fly let me know please hugs


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Awesome seeing this! So proud of your girls, and the community that is helping you raise them!

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